COVID-19 Update

At Integrated Doorsets, we continue to take every precaution against the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

As a business we remain open and fully operational. We continue to be classed as a key manufacturer, supplying doorsets to several NHS projects across the UK.

Weekly COVID flow testing has now been introduced and made available to all staff and any visitors attending site, thanks to Craig Spademan for co-ordinating. After conducting 186 tests over the past 24 hours, all staff have received negative results.

These extra precautions go alongside rules already in place such as regular hand washing, social distancing, and twice daily temperature checks. Our top priority is ensuring the safety and well being of our employees during this unprecedented time, and we will continue to implement these rules to protect everyone still working in the office, factory and any visitors attending site.

For any queries, please get in touch:

T: 01623 343 111
E: [email protected]
